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Leaders have a responsibility to the company. They must ensure the company's success and stability, as well as provide important insights and ideas for the business. However, leaders need to take a break from time-to-time. It is one of those things that will help them recharge so they can continue being productive at work again. This blog post will provide you with some tips for taking your own mental health day from working 24/7. Leaders should not be afraid to take their mental health day. The company needs leaders to stay healthy so it can continue to be productive, competitive and prosperous. It does not matter if the company is small or large, leaders must ensure they take their shift for a few hours. If you are able, try to find some time off for your own mental health without affecting your work obligations. Mental health helps individuals stay calm and happy no matter what life has thrown at them; if you are unable to give yourself this break, then you may need to see a doctor (if that's an option for you). Taking a mental health day can increase your productivity. It is a crucial time for leaders to step out of the box and think outside the box. The day allows them to focus on their personal productivity, but not at the expense of their work responsibilities. There are many benefits from taking a mental health day, but not everyone can afford to take an extended vacation from work. Take advantage of any type of time off you have from work. Research the benefits of taking a mental health day from working. The most common benefits include decreased anxiety, higher productivity, and increased self-confidence. These benefits are not limited to certain types of people. If you have a mental health disease or addiction, take a mental health day for treatment so you can be successful in work again. According to a survey conducted by the International Foundation of Employee Assistance Programs (IFEAP) in 2016, 79 percent of employees who sought help sought it from work-provided resources because they didn't have time to get to a licensed professional for individualized care. Take mental health days for personal reasons. You cannot expect your company to pay for your mental health care. This is especially true for small businesses with limited funding. According to a survey conducted by the U.S. Small Business Administration's Office of Advocacy in 2017, the average CEO salary for small businesses was $82,087 while some made just $37,199 on average in 2016. Even medium-sized companies have struggled to provide sufficient healthcare benefits to employees because of Affordable Care Act changes and ever-increasing health insurance costs. Leaders have a duty of care towards their employees' mental health and wellbeing, but they must take time out for themselves too because it is equally important. cfa1e77820